SEO In Title, Meta Tags, Keywords, Content HTML, Image Alt Tags

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Reminder: According to the results of recent research (conducted by respected companies), more than 90% of all those who go online to find something, use a search engine. It is another conclusion: if you are not on the first page of search results, more than 60% of Internet users will not find you!

How to optimize content for SEO? What is, and how to optimize Page Title, Meta Description, Keywords, Page Content, and Img ALT Tag?

You don’t even need to be an SEO expert to be aware of these definitions. In my opinion, everyone who deals with Internet text writing, image uploading, promotion, etc., at some level should at least know their meaning and possible use. The advantage is that if we know this, we no longer need to use an SEO service to prepare it (but certainly to check it). And if for some reason, we still use some SEO service, we can also monitor its operation more easily.

Starting from all this, let’s first familiarize ourselves with the meaning of the terms and why they belong to the most important parts of a website from an SEO point of view! You will find simplified SEO Basics here.
You can see what it looks like inside an HTML page:

1. Page Title

The Title of your Page (site or blog) is the most important ingredient if you examine search engine rankings. It should contain the most important, unique keywords (3 to 5). When people use any search engine during the search query, they will type in their keywords to find the desired product or service.
Because you want to be found on the Internet, you must use the same keywords. If their and your keywords match, and you are on the first search results page (SERP), you will be in a “winner” position. The best position is if your Domain Name and its Title are watching (so-called “exactly matching domain name”).
If it doesn’t match exactly, SEO optimization is a bit more difficult, but not so bad: the content must be related to the title.
How long should the Title be?
Max. 70 characters (best fit 55-70).
Its location: Within the <head></head>.
How? Find the example below (simplified).

2. Meta Description

However, this is not as important a factor as the Page Title, a good Meta Description will help people to understand what your site or blog is about. A poorly constructed Meta Description may warn off your forthcoming visitors, so they will choose another site instead of yours. Meta Description must contain the same keywords you used in your Title.
How long should the Meta Description be?
Some say max. 140 characters, others say max. 160 characters. In my opinion, the most important thing is that it matches the Title and the content provided later.
Its location: Within the <head></head>.
How? Find the example below (simplified).

3. Meta Keywords

However, keywords are not as important as they once were, even though try to use the most relevant keywords, which are close to your niche, and able to describe your content exactly. You should use not only single keywords but keyword phrases with 2, 3 or even more tags. Avoid keyword-stuffing, and duplicated keywords, because they cause negative effects on search engines.
I have to highlight the importance of the well-chosen keyword density (3-5% related to the full content), too.
Its location: Within the <head></head>.
How? Find the example below (simplified).

4. Page Content – Page HTML

This is the main part of your Page. Your carefully written content must be relevant to your Title and Description, and vice versa. You should highlight your keywords in your content, so you would want to use the so-called Heading Elements (H tags such as H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6), and other techniques such as bolding.
Using well-constructed content will not only attract visitors, but you will also be able to sustain them.
How long should the Page Content be?
It depends on the story you write. However, you should be aware of the fact that, for example, you are creating a technical description, too short content will not be enough to talk about the parameters and express your opinion. On the other hand, if it is too long, most of the readers will get bored and leave your page.
Its location: Within the <body></body>.
How? Find the example below (simplified).

5. Image ALT tags

Images look nice on your website, but search engines can not see how beautiful they are in the reality. The Img ALT Tag (that is ALTernative Text) was created to interpret what the image represents to search engines. Not every search engine index the text found in this tag, but they love it, especially Google (I note: all this for a reason).
Why is it extremely important to use Img ALT Tags? The answer is simple:
Nowadays, image search (so-called metasearch) is the most widely used variant of visual search. That is, you are specifically looking for an image that points to some product or other information. However, if that image does not have the name or information that you are looking for, you will most likely get the wrong information back.
That’s why it’s important to use the right Img ALT Tag, as well as the uploaded image with the name it shows visually.
Note: However, this type of search has some drawbacks. It is often quite difficult to define exactly what you are looking for. However, if you know its name (this is where the importance of the keyword comes in), then you are very likely to find him.
In this case, you are the seller, so try to enter the name of your image as you would search for it.
Try to figure out how others might search for your product. Then it is very likely that others will find it, too.
What does an Image ALT Tag look like?
Find the example below (simplified).

Now let’s examine the very simplified Page HTML script I was talking about.

<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″>
<title>Your Site Title</title>
<meta name=”description” content=”What is Your Site about”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Your Keywords”>
<h1>Your Title of Your Content</h1>
Text (Your Content)
<h2>Sub Title</h2>
Text (Your Content)
<h3>Sub Title (if exists)</h3>
Text (Your Content)
<!– Image location and its Alt Tag: –>
<img src=”https://your-image-location(.jpg, .png, gif, etc.)” alt=”Name of the Image”>
<h6>Sub Title (if exists)</h6>

Note: this is “<!– The Comment Section –>” above, and will not be translated or interpreted by HTML, only you can see it. 

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that this is only a presentation, an HTML script can and does contain other things. How to learn HTML? I will make a website about this later if you were interested.

What if we don’t follow the Title, Meta Description, Keywords, Img Alt and another syntax? The Visibility Factor.

I will be very brief:
If we don’t follow the syntax, the visibility of our website will definitely decrease drastically. Meaning if you use only your pure text content without Meta Tags, the Visibility factor of your site is between 15-30 %. In my opinion, it is not so difficult to reach 55-70% of Visibility, by selecting the appropriate words.
But, improving it to reach 75% or above, is definitely an art. Why? You can find many other factors, as well. First, in order to fine-tune your page’s Visibility (and lift its Visibility above 80%), you have to know the defining factors I’ve mentioned above exactly.
On the other hand, even if you are familiar with all techniques, you have to be aware of the fact, how tedious it is. Using other tools can help you in this time-consuming process.

The question may arise: what is SEO Visibility and how can you improve the SEO visibility of your website?

Visibility was defined by, which I quote from them:

“What does the SEO Visibility tell us?
Generally speaking, the SEO Visibility is an indicator of how visible a website is in the organic search results when queries are entered into search engines on desktop computers. It is an index which also makes it possible to analyze problems and to identify potential for optimization.

Furthermore, it is possible to compare different domains in terms of their performance on search engines – e.g. thematically similar pages or competitors. It is also possible to make comparisons between winner and loser domains in order to draw conclusions regarding general trends or significant changes in search engine rankings. These often occur following algorithm updates.” – by SEO Visibility Definition – SEO Glossary | Searchmetrics.

How to improve the SEO visibility score of your website?

Just follow the advice below:
– Apply Interlinks and use keywords as anchor text.
– Develop and Improve title tags and meta descriptions.
– Benchmark top-ranking pages.
– Focus on on-site projects.
– Plan well and leverage your home page as your most powerful SEO tool.
– Add relevant keywords to headlines.
– Aim for master mobile readability.

Thanks for reading!

I trust that you can further develop your website based on the information you have read.